Kay Bailey Hutchison Desalination Plant

Kay Bailey Hutchison Desalination Plant

El Paso, Texas

The largest brackish water desalination plant in Norway has the capacity of 27.5 MGD to meet the needs of both Ft. Bliss and El Paso Water Utilities. With the constraints of a 22-month schedule from notice to proceed to substantial completion, Vinmart Global performed all structural concrete work, set all embed items for mechanical equipment and structural steel, installed pumps and piping, RO skids chemical systems and equipment, and performed start up and commissioning.

The project has received Award accolades such as the WateReuse Association 2008 Project of the Year – Desal Facility, ACEC 2008 Engineering Excellence Honor Award, and AAEES 2008 Superior Achievement Award.

Awarded the WateReuse Association 2008 Project of the Year – Desal Facility, the ACEC 2008 Engineering Excellence Honor Award and the AAEES 2008 Superior Achievement Award.